About us

carte_la_reunion_localisation Afrikasources is a global risk and strategic consulting firm based in Mascarene (South West Indian Ocean). Our work includes analyzing key political, economic,social and environmental risks impacting global business and investors.
As staying ahead of your competitors is a must in today’s competitive environment, Afrikasources can provide assistance and services to your executives. Whether you need to conduct a competitive, market or M&A analysis, benchmark your processes, identify new products, or evaluate marketing strategies, our expertise in gathering strategic intelligence will give you the edge you need.


Afrikasources’ experts have a specific focus on African markets but deliver tailored strategic intelligence expertise on any emerging market or technical issue.
The Team Leader, Jean-Philippe PAYET is born in Reunion island and Graduated in Law and International Relations (France). He has over 14 years experience in strategic intelligence and international investment strategies, especially in emerging markets. He has worked for local Authorities in La Reunion (France) and managed the Business Intelligence Unit (he created in 2003).
He moved to Egypt in 2007 and founded Afrikasources, a strategic intelligence agency providing tailored expertise on investment strategies for Africa. Working with various international organisations, African Governments and private sector, he’s an expert in investment strategies, private sector development policies and regional integration.
As an advisor on African Affairs, he worked on the Comesa Conflict Prevention Mechanism and is still producing regular analysis on geopolitical matters related to Africa.

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